Growing Together Winter 2021
Updated List of New Crop Protection Products
To register a crop protection product in California takes time and money. New products for our growers come at a very slow pace. Having said that, below are some products we anticipate or have recently received approval for use in California. The resistance management group that the individual compounds have been assigned to has been added for each product. It is important to know these when planning a pest management program to mitigate the development of resistance to a mode of action. When a “U” is stated, it indicates that the mode of action is currently unknown.
Products Registered in 2020
- Cevya (BASF) – FRAC Group 3.
- Use in tree fruit, nuts, and vines. Multiple leaf and bloom diseases.
- Miravis Prime (Syngenta) – FRAC Groups 7, 12.
- Use in grapes, fruiting vegetables. Powdery mildew, botrytis rot.
- Miravis Duo (Syngenta) – FRAC Groups 7,3.
- Use in tree nuts. Foliar and leaf diseases.
- Aprovia Top (Syngenta) – FRAC Groups 7,3.
- Use in grapes, cucurbits, tomatoes. Powdery mildew, Black mold, more.
- Gatten (Nichino) – FRAC Group U8.
- Use in grapes, apples, and cherries. Powdery mildew.
- Embed (Corteva) – WSSA Group 4.
- Use in pome fruit, stone fruit, nut crops, broadleaf weeds.
Products Anticipated for 2021 Registration (and beyond)
- Orondis SC (Syngenta) – FRAC Group U15.
- Soil applied for use in tree nuts for phytophthora.
- Q3 2021 Registration
- Zembu (Nichino) – WSSA Group 14.
- Use in rice. All weeds.
- Q4 2022 Registration
- Loyant (Corteva) – WSSA Group 4.
- Use in rice. Broadleaf weeds and sedges.
- Q2 2021 Registration
- Axial Bold (Syngenta) – WSSA Group 1.
- Use in small grains, grassy weeds.
- 2022 Registration
- Osprey Xtra (Bayer Crop Science) – WSSA Group 2
- Two group 2 herbicides in pre-mix. For use in wheat and triticale for control of grassy and broadleaf weeds.
- 2022 Registration
- Senstar (Valent) – IRAC Group 23, 7C.
- Use in tree nuts, stone fruits, grapes, fruiting vegetables, beans, and onions. For control of mealybug, aphids, scales.
- Q2 2021 Registration
- Sivanto HL (Bayer Crop Science) – IRAC Group 4D
- Use in grapes, tree nuts, stone fruits, and field crops
- 2021 Registration
- Isomate VMB (Pacific Biocontrol)
- Use in grapes. Mating disruption of Vine Mealybug.
- 2021 Registration.
Plant Growth Regulator
- Palisade (Syngenta)
- Use in rice for reduced lodging.
- Q2 2021 Registration
If you have any questions regarding these products, please reach out to your Grow West PCA or Technical Services Team of Layne Wade, and Matt Ehlhardt,
Photography by Grow West employee, Catherine Kett