Growing Together Winter 2021
Let’s Close 2020 and Start 2021 Stronger Together
Friends, Family, Neighbors, Employees, and Customers,
I think it is appropriate to start off the first newsletter of the 2021 year with a simple notion; we made it. 2020 was challenging, to say the least, and brought us to our human core of survival in many ways. The wear and tear on individuals, families, and businesses in the past year have been exceedingly difficult. We were extremely fortunate our business was directly associated with the supply of food to our society, both domestically and globally. We are blessed to have been able to continue providing services to you, our customers, and stable jobs for our employees. But we recognize that this is not the case for many in our communities and across the United States. We understand how fortunate we are as to where we are as a company. We are proud to contribute to the food chain and will continue to do so.

As we look to this new year, I anticipate we will be climbing out of our holes. Although the first quarter will be much of the same, I am looking forward to starting the long process back to what our “new normal” maybe. Back to where the sun will shine. I am genuinely excited about the agriculture sector this year, as it is expected to remain solid. From a Grow West standpoint, we will continue to operate in the safest ways for our employees and you, our customers. Although we have not been able to shake hands or gather face to face to celebrate in ways we have in the past, I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope.
I have a lot of history in this industry, over 50 years of actively working side by side with many of you. I have seen a lot, experienced many cycles, many challenges. Nothing has been more challenging and daunting as we have faced this past year. I am proud of our company for how we have continued to provide best-in-class services to each of you as you also navigate managing your enterprises. We are thankful and glad to be a part of your story in 2020, and we look forward to being your trusted partner in 2021.
Les Lyman
Owner + Chairman
Banner photo by Grow West employee, Tyson Richardson