Growing Together Winter 2020
MVP Safety Professionals: Paraquat Dichloride Compliance Help

The herbicide paraquat, when used correctly, is an effective tool for controlling unwanted pests in agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Use in accordance with all label directions minimizes harm. Due to several accidental poisoning fatalities resulting from the misuse of paraquat or storage in beverage containers, however, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is requiring new mitigation measures to help minimize human health incidents, particularly the practice of placing the product in unlabeled beverage containers.
New mitigation measures include:
- Label changes emphasizing paraquat toxicity and supplemental warning materials;
- Targeted stewardship/training materials for paraquat users;
- A closed-system requirement for transferring paraquat out of all containers; and
- Restricting use to certified applicators only (i.e., prohibiting application by individuals working under the supervision of a certified applicator).
Study Course for Private Applicator Certificate Exam:
MVP Safety has developed a one-day study course to help Spanish-speaking handlers prepare for the required Private Applicator Certificate exam and will provide interpreter assistance with the required stewardship program. Each has a three-year renewal requirement. MVP is dedicated in providing continuing education units for Spanish and English speakers to help them maintain their certificates.
MVP Safety’s first course is scheduled for January 16, 2020. If you are interested in the course, call or email their office at 530-848-0998 or
For more safety courses visit: